Appointments are available Monday through Friday from 9:30 am until 4:30 pm; later or earlier appointments can often be accommodated depending on availability. Weekend appointments are reserved for emergencies and urgent care, including hospice and at-home euthanasia. Emergency coverage is provided for current clients and patients, though you do not need to be a current client to schedule at-home euthanasia. Please call (860) 867-6367 or click below for an appointment.
Pet Food Recalls - Coastal Valley Veterinary Services, LLC The Veterinary Information Network (VIN) Drug and Food Recall Center brings you up to date information on the latest pet food recalls.
Appointments are available Monday through Friday from 9:30 am until 4:30 pm; later or earlier appointments can often be accommodated depending on availability. Weekend appointments are reserved for emergencies and urgent care, including hospice and at-home euthanasia. Emergency coverage is provided for current clients and patients, though you do not need to be a current client to schedule at-home euthanasia. Please call (860) 867-6367 or click below for an appointment.